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Please contact us at if you would like to purchase a copy, books are priced at £6 and all proceeds are donated to Gilly’s Gift.


Take Control and  Live

Take Control outer coverGilly has written her autobiography ‘Take Control and Live’, which charts her recovery from ovarian cancer.

In October 2000, Gillian received the shattering diagnosis of terminal ovarian cancer. She opted out of the conventional treatments that would have given her a few extra months and embarked upon her own unique journey of mind, body and spirit. She has turned the seemingly impossible into a reality with her tumour markers returning to the normal range in 2012 and she still enjoys a full and active life.

This is the account of how a woman with an ordinary life made an extraordinary commitment to survival that will inspire all who face the terror of losing life and battling adversity.

It is available on Amazon
All profits are donated to Gilly’s Gift.

Where’s The Meat?

Where's the meatGilly has also written a recipe book featuring the vegetarian, low acid dishes that were inspired by the dietary changes she made during her recovery from ovarian cancer.

Please contact us at if you would like to purchase a copy, books are priced at £6 and all proceeds are donated to Gilly’s Gift.